Tag: okami

  • Bitsocket – Top Five Reasons To Buy Okami HD

    Okami HD is the game guys like Scott and Joe have been waiting for since 2006. Not only is this gorgeous game finally in stunning high definition and widescreen, it’s also available to download for anyone with an internet connection, a PS3 and a heart made for loving and adventure. Bitsocket have compiled their Top…

  • Pure Platinum

    Out of all the goodies at this year’s Eurogamer one of the most pleasantly surprising titles was to be found nestling in the over 18 section. Compared to the mile long queues of Modern Warfare and Battlefield 3, Anarchy Reigns’ half dozen or so screens seemed a meagre offering, but as one of the few…

  • Gaming and Conservation

    I recently got a job working as assistant comms officer for the Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the oldest of all the wildlife trusts in the UK and custodian of over 50 nature reserves around the county, including a large part of the famous Norfolk Broads. The problem is it’s a well known fact – documented by…

  • What the cel?!

    Ah Okami…I don’t think any developer could bow out from the industry with such finesse and accomplishment as well as Clover Studios did when they released this on PS2 two years ago. Since then, the company may have been dissolved and reborn in the shape of Platinum Games (formerly Seeds Inc.) However, Okami’s charm lives…