Tag: narrative

  • Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story

    Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story

    Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story is the spiritual sequel to one of my favorite games of this year, A Normal Lost Phone. I played the first game in February and absolutely loved it (you can read my thoughts on it here). So naturally I was very excited when I heard the developers, Accidental Queens, would…

  • Develop 2015: The State of Narrative

    In part three of our round up of issues at Develop 2015 we look at the state of narrative.

  • Building Worlds Means Empty Rooms

    Shaun takes a look at empty rooms, and what they really have to offer

  • Pixelhunter – République

    Republique does stealth right on the iPad

  • Spoils of War

    Warning: this blog contains heavy spoilers for Gears of War 3. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Gears of War 3 is a fantastic game. It’s not a perfect title (for reasons detailed in David Houghton’s fantastic article for Games Radar) but it’s still undoubtedly one of the highlights of this year. It has the same…

  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

    A couple of weeks ago I finished Fable III and have since been playing through a second time, largely to scratch my Achievement-whore itch (damn those Legendary Weapons!) but also to try to put a finer point on exactly why this latest excursion into Albion was both a huge disappointment for me, and not the…