Tag: GamePad

  • Splatoon: Global Testfire Preview

    Ahead of its imminent full release, Scott lays down several coats of paint in the Splatoon Global Testfire!

  • Valve’s latest announcement: The Steam Controller

    Last week was pretty busy for Valve, the company had three announcements to give us a taste of their plan to expand the Steam Universe. The week started with the reveal of SteamOS, Valve’s very own standalone Linux-based OS followed by the news of new hardware, theĀ Steam MachinesĀ and their prototype boxes. The last announcement came…

  • Six-Minute Pikmin 3 Gameplay Video Surfaces

    The video, embedded below, highlights the lush HD visuals of the game world, new female protagonist Brittany, and the ways that the Wii U GamePad can assist controlling the titular Pikmin. After teasing gamers with a smart proof-of-concept in Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3 finally appears to be nearing its completion. The game has repeatedly slipped…

  • Nintendo Reveals New Wii & Wii U Accessories in Japan

    Japan will soon receive the Wii U Premium console set in white, a colour normally reserved for the Basic model. Despite the lower price, Basic model Wii U units have sold poorly in comparison its Premium brother, likely due to the accessories and games included in the larger pack. Perhaps the most significant accessory announcement…

  • Monster Hunter Update Adds Off-TV Play on 16th of April

    Additionally, the update will allow European hunters to interact with Wii U gamers in North America, a feature sought after since launch. The news was confirmed yesterday in a tweet on the official Nintendo of Europe Twitter account, @NintendoEurope, which said: “The #MH3U software update for #WiiU that allows Off-TV Play on the GamePad &…