Tag: burnout

  • Pit Stop – The Open Road

    James explores what makes an enjoyable open world racer and what doesn’t…

  • Paradise Lost

    I’m Elite, apparently.  Not in any Heathers sort of sense, but because Criterion say so and after screeching around the streets of Paradise City in Burnout Paradise for months, I finally feel that I’ve earned it. Ever since the Ready Up World record attempt back in April, I’ve sunk my time into the game, allowing it…

  • Marching to a Different Beat

    For me, Fridays have become something of a novelty. It’s no longer the day that marks the official start of the weekend and the end of the hard graft. It’s also no longer the start of the only two days I get to lounge around on my sofa uninterrupted, playing through the backlog of games…

  • I wish it could be Christm… Friday every day

    Here we are; it’s Wednesday night and I’m already excited about Friday. In fact, already is an understatement, I’ve been (almost visibly) excited for a few weeks now. You see, when you get to my age, some things are just not what they used to be. Beer – not the same now I don’t have…

  • Why don’t I ever trade my games in?

    The reason I don’t trade games in is the same reason I don’t buy used games – the whole concept feels underhand.