Tag: bastion

  • Games of the Generation – Part 3: The Heartfelt

    No longer satisfied with the usual pretexts of captured princesses and alien invasions, as videogames matured they attempted to tell bolder stories and give players greater motivation and emotional investment in the gameplay. Over the last few years certain works have emerged to challenge the popular notion that games are mindless entertainment, standing up to…

  • Transistor trailer revealed by Supergiant Games

    Supergiant, the creators of hit Bastion revealed their new game Transistor on their site yesterday. The RPG will let players assume the role of a young woman who gains control of a potent weapon after being attacked and nearly killed by a group of attackers with it. A group that wants it back. During the…

  • The Indie Insider – Bastion, Frozen Synapse and Krater

    The Humble Bundle have only gone and done it again. In my opinion they consistently release bundles that offer the best value for money. In The Humble Bundle V you get to see some brilliant titles such as Limbo, Sword and Sworcery, and if you pay more than the average you get Bastion, which I think is…

  • Video Game Soundtracks

    My background, from when I left school, was musical and I suppose it still is. It’s just well hidden. I really do appreciate good audio in games because I believe it can make a good game a great game. Recently, whilst working my way through Bastion, I found myself head bopping to the background music…