Grown-Up Gaming: A Survey

Ready Up has been working closely with the Centre for Cultural Policy Research at Glasgow University, who are conducting a study into gaming culture. We gamers are used to these kinds of things being focused in on aspects of violence or negative effects on young children. This study however is a much more unbiased look at grown-up gamers who are invested in the culture of the hobby. In other words they want to know about you lot, what you think, how you play, what it means to you. We think this is a very good thing and would encourage you to take part in this ten to fifteen minute survey.

Here’s the info. Don’t forget to click the link at the bottom and fill out the survey.

This study does not assume that the use of games has the inherent potential to cause harm to the player. Rather, the aim of this study is to document, investigate and shed light on the experiences and cultural identities of adults living in the UK who play games frequently and regularly, and consider games to be of great importance in their cultural life. If this sounds like you, please continue!

All participants must be resident in the UK and 18 years of age or over. If you are neither of these, thank you for your interest, but I cannot use your data.

When filling out your answers, try to reflect on:
– your past relationship with games (including in childhood)
– what games and gaming mean (and has meant) to you
– how you think gaming relates to your life, identity, and personality in the present

I really hope you get something from answering these questions, and enjoy reflecting on your gaming experiences!

Grown-Up Gaming Survey



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