Category: 2011

  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

    You would think that with the PS Vita getting ever closer to release in the UK we would see a slow decline of title releases for the PSP. However, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is proof that it’s not the case. Trails in the Sky was released originally in Japan in 2004…

  • A Weekend with the PlayStation Vita

    Well, it’s been quite a weekend. I wasn’t hyped up at all about the PlayStation Vita’s release a week ago, but now that it’s in my hands I have to say – it’s one fine piece of kit. Pre-orders for the Vita opened in Japan back on the 15th of October. Despite living slap-bang in…

  • Ready Up Game Awards 2011

    We really do have the best hobby, don’t we? This year the games that have graced our consoles, PC’s and phones have been an embarrassment of riches, as they were last year. The games that we have chosen to award our highest accolade, as voted for by the entire staff at Ready Up, are popular…

  • We Sing Rock!

    The Wii is a bit of an underdog when it comes to karaoke games. Having come late to the game it offers little in the way of originality to the genre. However it just about makes up for that on solid dependability. The We Sing games have been workmanlike additions to to the genre and…

  • Joe Danger Special Edition

    Ever wondered what would happen if you were to attempt to breed Trials HD, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skateboarding and a big lump of happy?  I must confess, it’s not something that has ever troubled me, but I now know the result if you did.  The smile inducing Joe Danger SE would be the bundle of…

  • The LittleBIGbunch GamesAid Charity Game Bundle

    There are two things I am very fond of. One is PC charity game bundles, the other is GamesAid. Both are fantastic concepts that bring a lot of happiness to tons of people. So it is with great pleasure that I announce The LittleBIGbunch, a charity game bundle from GamesAid. The LittleBIGbunch will be released…

  • Saints Row: The Third

    Open world sandbox games have been hugely popular since their inception and have diverged down two paths over the genre’s evolution. On one hand, you have your serious titles, focusing on gritty stories following tortured characters with dark and mysterious pasts taking on drug deals, shootouts and heists in order to survive. Think games like…

  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North

    Once upon a time there was a book; a book that changed the world of fantasy forever. The Lord of the Rings is more than a novel or a film for many, myself included, and thanks to the film franchise by Peter Jackson there have been quite a few video game titles to accompany Tolkien’s…

  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    It is inevitable with a series as long running as The Legend of Zelda that there will be certain stand-out moments that fans look forward to. The most obvious in this case is Link acquiring the famed Master Sword. For me it’s something far more functional, and cruel. There is nothing more satisfying than drinking…

  • Shinobi

    Shinobi is a game out of its time. That’s not just a reflection of the game’s plot which moves us from an ancient feudal Japan with Ninjas and Samurai to a post apocalyptic Neo Zeed future, it’s also reflected in the game’s mechanics. In terms of what the game it reminds me most of is…