Author: Emily

  • Shadow of the Computer

    Aside from playtesting for a game I’m developing as part of my university course, I have not been playing many games lately at all. So I’ve been limited to the joys of constant crashing, being pushed off cliffs, throwing myself in holes, accidentally, and getting wedged awkwardly in the environment (in our game, that is,…

  • America’s Next Top Gamer

    I have a few guilty pleasures when it comes to television these days. Without embarrassing myself too much, the current regular is America’s Next Top Model.  I’m not going to pretend to know anything about fashion, modelling or photography, but there’s definitely an element of hilarity to extract from the show despite how alien it is. The…

  • Medic!

    I have quite enjoyed putting theories behind the design of a helpful support character for a game I’m working on, which included making a list of support characters I hate, why I hate them, and a list of the ones I love, and why I love them. (The ‘hate’ list features the ilk of foul-mouthed,…

  • Comfort in Familiarity

    As I’m growing older, I’m finding less and less time to play games. I love them just as much, but it’s almost as though my brain has packed in to a zero-processing dead state when I decide to play a game for some sort of break or leisure time, from what has become a very…

  • Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

    Earth in a post-apocalyptic state is an all the more fascinating setting than the present day; while the prospect of nature reclaiming cities with its green, leafy goodness is somewhat more pleasant than a nuclear wipeout that colours the world grey and brown, and makes mans best friend a rabid, frothy-mouthed bloody nightmare. Enslaved: Odyssey…

  • You Are Beautiful, No Matter What Colour Your PSP Is

    Because, let’s face it, we all look pretty fudging fantastic at the helm of a controller; wind blowing through your hair, face caked with make-up to cover the imperfections, happy smiling faces gazing with wonder at the screen in front. Actually, that’s not right is it? I’m more than likely grasping a controller with sweaty…

  • And… We’re In!

    Moving house. It’s oh-so-incredibly not fun. I moved into a new house ready for my final year at university on the 26th of June, where I have been without internet and key items of furniture for the past three weeks, luckily in my possession however, I was able to unpack the following key items: 1.…

  • Great Dialogue

    There’s an almost infinite number of “things” to like about a video game. One of my favourite things in Killzone was running into a grenade supply, waiting behind cover as Hahka loaded up the M82 Assault Rifle’s grenade launcher with my new-found grenades, and while I catch a glimpse of his fingerless gloves, Rico shouts…

  • Don’t Tase Me, Bro!

    There are a few items inspiring today’s blog post, the first was reading the news that God of War is getting its own novel treatment here. My big concern is that the game doesn’t have a great deal to offer me without having the brutal, sadistic rage of Kratos at the control of my fingertips; in…

  • The Freedom Itinerary

    My work as a developer is on hold for two weeks. After practically swimming in controllers on my living room floor after my last day of work with my friends, I’m beginning a quest. A quest to finish the games I started, to start the games I intend to finish, complete the games that I…