Wailing Heights: a Q&A with Outsider Games

Outsider Games is an independent game development studio based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and is the lovechild of comic book artist Stephen Downey and computer scientist Scott Grandison, who together have been creating mobile games for the past 4 years. They have not only established a foothold in the industry with a secure team of 4 and growing, but they have also helped stimulate a previously non-existent industry in Northern Ireland.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stephen, to ask him about their up and coming game Wailing Heights, and to get a behind scenes look at what it’s like to be an indie dev in the UK trying to kick start their own franchise. Stephen outlines what’s brought himself and Scott to where they are today, and what their plans are the future, as well as the highs and lows of being an independent company.


Official site: Outsider Games



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