Here’s the line up of new games headed your way in August (dates shown are for UK releases at the time of going to press):
[table] Release Date, Title, Platforms
04/08/15, Rare Replay, Xbox One
, Submerged, PC
05/08/15, Galak-Z, PS4/PC
, Submerged, PS4
07/08/15, Submerged, Xbox One
11/08/15, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, PS4
, Goat Simulator, PS4/PS3
12/08/15, Hacknet, PC
13/08/15, Christopher Brookmyre’s Bedlam, PC/Xbox One/PS4/Mac
18/08/15, Armikrog, PC
, Volume, PS4/Vita/PC
21/08/15, Risen 3: Enhanced Edition, PS4
25/08/15, Amnesia: Memories, PC
26/08/15, Helldivers: Super-Earth Ultimate Edition PS4/PS3
, Amnesia: Memories, Vita
28/08/15, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Xbox One
, Until Dawn, PS4
, Madden NFL 16, PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360
, Disney Infinity 3.0, Xbox One/PS4/Xbox 360/PS3/Wii U/PC
31/08/15, The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial City DLC, PC [/table]
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