DC Universe Online due an overhaul for PS4 release

The MMORPG DC Universe Online is set to be hit with a bout of cosmetic surgery paired with some re-constructive work in order to have it take full advantage of the PS4’s next-gen hardware.

The most noticeable visual changes will be in texture resolution although some areas of the game are going to be rebuild entirely to, “better match the story being told

DCUO executive producer Larry Liberty revealed all of this in a ‘producer’s letter’ on the game’s official updates blog. Speaking of making the transition from level 1 to level 30 a smoother experience he said, “new content presents itself naturally as you level.

It’s always good news to hear that a game that’s been around for a while is having a bit of new life breathed into it, also good to note is that the PC version of the game will be on the receiving ends of these enhancements too. You’ll actually be able to see the improvements on the PC first on the PC test server this week.

More info can be found on the Producer’s Letter itself.






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