Soul Calibur to Go Free-to-Play in Next Instalment

Namco Bandai games today announced that the next instalment of the Soul Calibur series is to be a free to play PS3 title entitled ‘Lost Swords’. Outside of the name and platform details are a little light on the ground. No images have been released thus far, and the extent of the free to play model has yet to be revealed, though it can be expected that only a handful of characters will be free, with the rest of the roster being locked behind the pay wall, so expect to drop a few quid on the likes of Cervantes or Yoshimitsu. Assuming of course that fan favourite characters do indeed return.

Between this free to play entry and the upcoming Soul Calibur II HD (yay), fighting game fans with a liking for the Soul series should be in for a good time while waiting for another proper numbered entry.


One response to “Soul Calibur to Go Free-to-Play in Next Instalment”

  1. Branstar avatar

    Unless of course, this is really just Soul Calibur Legends 2.

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