Nintendo’s Wii U console has not had the most promising start, with critics and public opinion floundering somewhere between the “meh” and “maybe when’s it’s cheaper” area, and Rayman Legend’s WiiU exclusivity being taken away that subsequently delayed its release to align launch with the multiplatform releases dates didn’t help much. Fortunately, however, a group of die hard Rayman fans spoke loudly enough that both the developer and publisher took notice of their grievances, and promised compensation.
Compensation time has finally come, as Rayman Legends’ Challenge Mode will release on the Nintendo eShop this week, FOR FREE, on April 25th.
The Challenge Mode pack will include four different modes, including Dungeon mode that is exclusive to the Wii U, and will support up to five players as well as leaderboards. There is also a ‘Ghost’ mode, where players can race their friend’s ghost from their play-through, as well as daily and weekly challenges to keep things fresh and interesting. It’s not the full game, but the content is well worth the price of free.
Rayman Legends is now set to release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U sometime in late September.
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