Stumped – To the Future

Hello my fellow puzzle lovers. It is I, Sarah-Lou with a slightly different Stumped for you. Instead of discussing the cool and nifty puzzle games I’ve been attempting to get my head around, below is mini morsel of tasty upcoming puzzle/strategy releases hoping to grace our screens in 2013.

Pikmin 3 – Wii U

It’s time to get excited about the upcoming release of Pikmin 3 to the Wii U. With the addition of a new Rock Pikmin and a replay feature, allowing you to assess how well you completed the mission, I’m expecting big things from this third instalment due out the second quarter of 2013.

Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm – PC

This will be the second expansion pack after Wings of Liberty with the planned third Legacy of the Void rounding up the trilogy. Due out around March, Heart of the Swarm focuses on its campaign mission against the Zerg with a possible 20 or so missions.

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare [possible title] – PC

With the rumour mill hitting overdrive, it suggests that PopCap Games’ sequel to Plants vs Zombies could be called Garden Warfare. It also informs that the possible release date will be late Spring. Now to wait and see.

Hotel Mogul – PS3

The summary of the game has the words ‘savvy’ and ‘conniving’ and already I’m sold. The aim of Hotel Mogul is pretty much self explanatory, but the story has the added oomph where you’re trying to reclaim your family business from your husband. Possibly an element only Jeremy Kyle could rectify, Hotel Mogul was meant to be released in 2012. Maybe 2013 we’ll finally get a release date and I’ll get my mitts on it.

And that’s it. A short and sweet sweep through a random selection of the possible puzzle/strategy games of 2013. So to all my fellow Stumpers, I wish you all a very prosperous New Year and remember to keep on puzzlin’!







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