Personnel Files – Zoey

Zoey Maynard
Staff Writer – Ready Up


Age: 28

Current Location: The middle of nowhere, aka Northern Ireland

First gaming memory: Playing Space Invaders on my Grandpa’s ZX Spectrum when I was around four. Games were so hard back then! I racked up far too many hours on random “classics” on that antiquated piece of gaming kit.

Longest gaming session: I once decided to replay Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 (I used to be a massive fan) via a two day Blockbusters rental. I was determined to max the whole thing including secret characters so I played pretty much non-stop for the entire two days, with only about four hours of sleep to break it up. I succeeded and wound up with a callous on my hand that has stood the test of time and was my first gaming related injury. Never let it be said I’m not hardcore!

Bayonetta Scarborough Fair replica.

Least favourite genre: Sports games. I love football, NFL and F1 but I really don’t want to spend my time playing Madden or Fifa! The upcoming F1 Racestars looks far more my cup of tea.

Favourite gaming snack: I don’t really snack while gaming but if I did it would have to be something sweet to suck on… like a Fox’s glacier mint or a lollipop.

Reaction to dying in-game: It depends on whether I’m in public or on my own. If I’m in public then I’ll be annoyed but try to brush it off as nothing (my competitive nature rears it’s ugly head again), but if I’m getting some quality me time then it doesn’t bother me. The one thing that never fails to annoy me, however, is a cheap insta-death and will usually lead to me muttering “Oh, for fuck’s sake” under my breath.

Favourite game character: Hmmm, it’s a three-way tie between my Shepard, Lara Croft and Bayonetta. I love Bayonetta’s style and sexiness, I love my Shepard’s determination and depth, and I love Lara for being such a pioneer. I played the first Tomb Raider game pretty much at launch so I feel like I’ve grown up with Lara by my side. She’s definitely stood the test of time and I’m very excited about the reboot.

Most hated game character: Jann Lee from the Dead or Alive series. I know he’s based on Bruce Lee but he’s just sooooo annoying. If he could just shut up for 10 seconds I’d be a happy girl. When he appears for me to fight, it goes one of two ways: either I pound the crap out of him just to shut him up or he gets to me first and I end up rocking in a corner having a nervous breakdown.

Very boring I’m afraid!

Favourite game EVER: This is a really tricky one as I’ve clocked up over 250 games on the 360 alone. Add in all the consoles back to the Spectrum and I have a loooooooooooooooong list to pick from. I think I’ll have to go with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as it was one of the games that brought me back to the fold. Having adored games as a kid I drifted away for a few years and it was the combined awesomeness of FFVII and Zelda that made me realise what I was missing. Between the magic of the story, the unlockable weapons and the awesome puzzles (yes, even the sodding water temple isn’t enough to put me off) it really is one of the best games of all time.

Giles asks: “What’s your favourite game-to-film adaptation and why?”  I really enjoyed Silent Hill and Doom had it’s hilarious moments (FPS mode, anyone?) but it has to be the Tomb Raider movies. I adore everything Lara, and when you make the sexy Angelina Jolie our heroine you just can’t go wrong. I think it’s hard to capture the exploration aspect of the Tomb Raider games but for that faux-Lara in those outfits? You can’t go wrong for some light entertainment. I am, however, also looking forward to the Assassin’s Creed movie (if it ever gets made).

Philippa asks:  “What game or moment in a game has affected you the most emotionally?” I know it’s the standardised response in JRPG fans to say when Aerith died in FFVII, but I’m going to deviate albeit slightly and say FFX. I poured so much of my life into that game and felt so invested. The ending made me cry my eyes out for ages. I couldn’t believe that *spoiler alert* Tidus was gone after all they went through, and although I thought he was a tool at the beginning I had learnt to love him. It broke my heart to see him and Yuna separated after the way they’d grown as a couple. I put myself in her shoes and was devastated. *spoiler end*.

Johnny asks: Which game have you put the most time into?” Well, that also goes to FFX. Determined to do everything, but falling short on the dark aeons, I racked up a massive 150+ hours on my first playthrough. When I picked up the save again to try for a full max I got over the 200 hour mark before my save corrupted (remember those days? they sucked). I did what any sensible RPG addict would do and started again. I think I hit around 100 hours before I abandoned the endeavour to finally move on to something else. I’m glad to say the sheer number of awesome games these days, make such insane numbers impossible.






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