Ode To A Massive Black Box

I don’t know why but the PS3
Simply doesn’t gel with me.
Why does it give me a tiny trophy,
For killing a single enemy?
It’s good for watching BBC,
And shows I’ve missed on 4OD,
10 episodes of ‘Come Dine With Me’,
But the PS3 doesn’t gel with me.

It will upscale your DVD,
To glorious 720P,
And it can stream files from your PC.
But even with games like Yakuza 3,
The PS3 doesn’t gel with me.

I would have thought that the Blu-ray ,
And all the films it lets me play,
Would force my loyalties to sway,
But I haven’t put my 360 away.

It comes all too frequently to mind,
The Cross Media Bar is badly designed,
And the six axis control is very unkind,
And seldom accurately aligned.

And all I wanted it to do ,
Was let me play games from the PS2.
And chat to my friends while playing a game,
Not in a ‘PlayStation Home’, that’s lame!
“Not enough memory” causes me rage,
It once was QI, now a blank page!
So what the heck does all this mean?
I have a 320 gig machine!

But the most annoying thing by far,
Is the constant updates on the download bar.
It’s the things the black box won’t do for me,
Which is why I don’t gel with my PS3.






5 responses to “Ode To A Massive Black Box”

  1. Noozles avatar

    I totally agree with everything here….

  2. Another Tony avatar
    Another Tony

    Well, as a PS3 owner, I have to take a different stance. I love my PS3! 360 is no good for me as it’s purely a gaming machine and I want mutil-media capability. I’ve never liked the lumpy controllers on Xbox for either. And no blu-ray was a masssive non-starter for me too.

  3. Walter avatar

    I have sold 4 PS3’s in total, I just don’t like paying for potential, waiting a while then realising that nothing on the PS3 is worth the wait.

    There is nothing in this poem which I disagree with.

    The last verse is particularly true.

  4. Mark P avatar

    I whole-heartedly agree. The way I see it, the PS3 is a “media” console that just so happens to let you play games on it too, where the 360 is a games console that just so happens to support other media. This is exactly why I believe the 360 is a better console than the PS3 – the focus is on gaming, and gaming is what I want. The PS3 is trying to be too much at once.

    Heavy Rain is good though.

  5. Lauren avatar

    Made me 🙂 I do agree, if I did get 1 I would not sway from the 360.

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