Home Is Where The Console Is

Every gamer has their little gaming space. Whether it’s up in your room, or spread to the entire lounge, that little space is yours to curl up and game in. This little space is often very important to a gamer. It’s almost sacred to them. So what happens when you lose this space?

I’ve just moved house and not a little, just down the road, move either. Nope, a big one. This meant demolishing my gaming haven and being without an acceptable substitute for a couple of weeks. I can tell you this: it wasn’t pleasant. Moving is stressful at the best of times, but not having a place to shut out the outside world and jump into my avatars’ lives made it worse. We’re used to having some time, whether it’s everyday or not, to forget the outside world and surround ourselves with digital wonders; it’s a form of stress relief. Whether you choose to lose yourself in a JRPG’s unforgettable adventure, or set out on a mission to liberate the world from zombies, it’s still a break from your everyday stresses. Sure there are new stresses (a boss fight here, a tricky timed puzzle there) but as the old saying goes “a change is as good as a rest”.

I know I left a console here somewhere!

Having found no time or energy to cram in even a DS game, I was craving my gaming fix and thought I’d be isolating myself in a little gaming bubble post-move. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Don’t misinterpret my words as “I’ve not been gaming”, oh no. It just means I found a new way to embrace my gaming. I’m still going to set up my own gaming space, somewhere to escape to and forget all my troubles, but for now I have a different solution.

The excitement of moving, coupled with the comforting familiarity of my consoles have come together in an unpredicted but wonderful way. I have learnt that any space can be used as your gaming hub, and moving means adapting that in the way that’s best for all parties involved. With the autumn nights getting darker and colder, I’ve realised that nothing beats being curled up with your loved one, in front of a roaring fire, playing some co-op or taking turns on the latest purchase. Nothing else could have made me feel at home so quickly. So, I leave this experience with one thought; home may be where the heart is, but that takes time. For a gamer, at least at the start, home is where the console is!

Zoey <3 Xbox! Yay!







5 responses to “Home Is Where The Console Is”

  1. Simon avatar

    Seconded. So very, very true. Just what I needed Zoey 🙂

  2. Michael avatar

    As someone whose also recently moved, I can honestly say I feel your pain. All the while during the move I was wondering, not about the bills and post I’d have to redirect, the new job I was starting, the effect the move was having on my dad’s health, the new neighbours or the inevitable downsizing as we try to figure where to put stuff but I had an incredible, overwhelming urge to sit on my arse playing games I’d already beaten on a slightly bigger HDTV.

    Priorities. Right.

  3. Heisenberg avatar

    Not your best work.

  4. Alabaster Codify avatar
    Alabaster Codify

    That’s probably one of the worst things I’ve ever read.

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