There are those that say he’s crazy, others that respect his bravery and some that are completely jealous of 25 year old free runner, Josh, who has undergone a complete transformation to become a video game character. Dare’s fascinating project, The Human Avatar for EA Games’ and Realtime Worlds’, MMO – All Points Bulletin, to celebrate the game’s almost limitless character customisation options, is coming to an end. Over the last few weeks, Josh has been through five of six stages, voted on by the public, to alter his appearance: selection, haircut, piercing, tattoo and clothes. All that’s left is stage 6, where the finished character look will be launched into the game. Before the final stage goes through, here’s a few words from Josh about the experience:
What made you want to be transformed?
It’s not like people don’t get piercings and tattoos every day. I have often thought about getting tattoos, but have never had the time, money and bottle all at the same time. My hair will grow back. Piercings heal.
Did you have any doubts?
Of course. Most of my doubts were about myself. Whether I should put myself out on such an open forum as the web for such widespread scrutiny. Whether people would react well to me or not.
Are you pleased with the outcome?
I am really pleased with the tattoo, and I think it suits me and my lifestyle as a freerunner. Also, the whole process has given me a thicker skin.
Have you had any comments?
Yes. Someone thought I’d done it for the local football team which was unexpected. This cute girl with 2 lip piercings and purple hair told me I looked hot; also unexpected.
I have had a couple of negative comments, but if all it takes to upset your perception is a blue haircut and a bullring, you haven’t really been trying hard enough.
What was the first game you ever played?
‘Pong’. I got given a second hand home Pong when I was very young. My mum worked with computers and had access to that sort of thing. I had a second hand Atari too, so I had games like ‘Breakout’ and ‘Asteroids’ and ‘Soccer’ when I was young. I’ve grown up with second hand technology. The first new console I got was a Nintendo 64.
What’s your favourite game?
I’m a big fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at the moment. It’s intense, but I hate it as much as I love it. I am looking forward to Black Ops.
Which console(s) do you have now?
Playstation 3.
If you could be any other video game character who would you be and why?
Master Chief. He’s totally badass. And Prince of Persia, because I want to move like him.
Who is your gaming hero?
There is a guy called Azo. He’s a computer game animator who bases his character movements on moves that he learns himself. He mixes freerunning, martial arts, gymnastics and circus tricks into his everyday routines, and it gives him inspiration for his animations. Sometimes he invents moves so he can animate them. He’s got some videos on Youtube. I’m pretty sure he’s the coolest person in the world.
Do you have a message for our readers at Ready-up. net?
I want to say something really profound here, but years of gaming have stunted my creativity. Just don’t have any regrets, and always question authority.
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