Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed has proven to be a huge and popular franchise over the years and with Criterion Games’ award winning development team stepping up to make the latest installment, that does not look set to change! As time has gone on the games have evolved but Criterion have decided to go back that which made the original so popular – insane cops vs robbers. As I’m sure you’ll see from the trailer, I do not use the word insane lightly! So let’s get stuck in.

I'd get a driving license if I could have one of those!
I'd get a driving license if I could have one of those!

So what else is new? There’s a whole new online network – Need for Speed Autolog, where you can compare your stats with the other boy or girl racers. But the impressive bit is the automatic personalized gameplay recommendations which will appear courtesy of your friends. Labelled as “a feature that is poised to transform online racing for the connected generation”, and they could be right.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit allows gamers to play full careers as both a cop and a racer, in single player or online. Any adrenaline fuelled getaways or high speed busts are connected to the Autolog to help compare performance with other players. With so many stats the “friendly” competition is definitely going to have teeth.

Ooooo, my favourite colour!
Ooooo, my favourite colour!

Craig Sullivan, Creative Director of the game, said, “At Criterion, we’ve been playing Need for Speed since it was first introduced. We are honored and excited by the opportunity to reinvent the franchise for today’s connected audience. Our goal has been to create cops vs. racers pursuits that are so fun, fast and exciting, it really brings to life the adrenaline and intensity of the high speed cop pursuit experience with your friends”.

Relaxing drive anyone? Well, it's not going to happen!
Relaxing drive anyone? Well, it's not going to happen!

So how long will you have to wait for this shiny new game? It’s out 19 November on 360, PS3 and PC. There is also a Wii version in development by Exient. So there you have it, name your platform and you can get it, so start saving now. Until then, you’ll just have to drool at the trailer. Enjoy!








6 responses to “Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit”

  1. Snozzeltoff avatar

    “There is also a Wii version in development by Exient” – That there is… i wont go into anymore detail :-p

  2. Darach avatar

    You’re such a tease, Snozzeltoff 🙂

    I for one, never thought I’d be interested in a Need for Speed game again, but this looks awesome! It’s gonna have that Criterion (and yes, Exient) magic to it.

  3. John Brown avatar

    Huzzah! About bliddy time we got the neon and action back into NFS: It’s on my list!

  4. Zoey avatar

    I’ve never been a fan but this one looks really good! *looks in dismay at pile of games she needs to buy*

  5. NorfolkNChance avatar

    I’ll be checking this out in November then. It’s got my interest!

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