During my ever growing quest to not only own as many games as possible but to expand my gaming horizons, I finally brought Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Yes I’m a bad, bad female gamer but hey, I got there in the end didn’t I?
Now I did play the first one and I did enjoy the game. The only teeny tiny blip I had was that I felt that the multiplayer was a little too serious for a girl like me. I prefer running around and smacking people whereas the Modern Warfare required sneaking and sniping which I was just not good at. So when CoD:MW2 came out I didn’t rush to get the game as soon as it hit the shelves, but I did plan on getting the game eventually. With eventually having come and gone, I can proudly say that I have finished the campaign mode all by myself and progressing nicely through multiplayer… huzzah!
As I watched the credits and reflected back on my hours of fun, it suddenly dawned on me that I actually had no idea what the game was about. I know I just totally blasphemed against CoD: MW2 and I apologise to those I have offended. I actually tried asking a mate of mine to explain to me what the game was about and it seemed she was in the same conundrum as me. All I could rave about was how awesome and action-packed the campaign mode was and all she could tell me is about getting her nightly fix of multiplayer.
At first I did feel super thick that I didn’t understand what I just spent a good chunk of my life on. So it was time to get my thinking cap on and try and piece together what I remembered doing. As I did my mental flash backs, I remembered the airport level, running around Brazil after a dude we needed to question. I know that I was either an American or British solider trying to stop a crazy Russian who wanted to do some evil stuff.
But to be honest my main recollection is that I had to shoot the dudes that sometimes wore a pink version of my uniform and find the Russian and save the world. I know its pretty rubbish that I can’t tell you what I the game was all about but I think that what really matters is that I had fun, right? And I can remember that I did. Campaign was such a blast and I’m thinking of trying it on veteran mode, wish me luck!
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