From the Harvest Moon series, comes Rune Factory Frontier. This farming and RPG mash up follows Raguna, who is trying to make a new life in the town of Trampoli. Your aim is to rebuild a derelict farm and to help breathe new life into the quiet town.
As you explore Trampoli, you meet various different characters who can sell you various items and give you advice on how to progress. You even have the chance to choose and woo yourself a wife to complete your life on your farm. Throughout the town there are floating spirits know as Runeys that you can collect. Runeys can be used to perform miracles to help with various tasks such as crop growth or friendships with monsters.
Back on your farm, you are able to grow various crops, go fishing and look after the monsters you befriend. All that you find, grow and catch while your on your farm can either be shipped out or sold in order to make more money. You can also clear your land of lumber which can also be sold. With the money that you earn, you would be able to expand your house, buy furniture and even buy a barn for the monsters you find.
Each week has six days and for each month there are thirty days. At the end of each month a new season begins. The key to do well in your farming is to make sure that crops that can only grow in certain periods have been harvested before the month is up. Also there are key dates during each month where you can join in with the town festivals or a character’s birthday. Make sure you attend as many events as you can so you can really experience what the game has to offer.
Although Rune Factory Frontier is very similar to Harvest Moon there is an added feature to the game. You are able to explore and battle your way through 5 different dungeons and also befriend monsters that can help you progress. To find these monsters and one of the dungeons, you will need to make your way to the floating island know as Whale Island. On Whale Island, you have the chance to grow various crops from all different seasons. Which is a major bonus because you won’t have to wait for the next season to start to grow and harvest various vegetables.
With growing crops, exploring different dungeons and trying to find true love, you won’t be short of having something to do in this game. I did find that unless I went everywhere and spoke to everyone at least once, I was not be able to gain additional tools or find out what I would need to do next. For those who have ever played Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing, or who just wish to expand their gaming library and want to play something that is not fast paced, I would suggest giving Rune Factory Frontier a go.
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