A Change Of Direction…

I am pleased to announce that after more than two and a half years Ready Up is about to relaunch with a new focus. Video games have long been our passion but we have come to realise that they are really just for kids. They glamourise and incite violence to the point where we have become sickened by them. Also, we have a lot of girls on the team and frankly they are having trouble keeping up with the boys. So, to be fair to everyone we are going to knock it down a notch in the hope we can keep everyone happy and halt our inevitable descent into becoming sociopathic killers.

We understand that this may come as somewhat of a surprise, but we ask that you continue to support us and please join us in our new dice based antics.

We will be holding regular game nights every Wednesday at ESC Games in Glasgow, who have chosen to join us on our new path. Retro GT will soon be selling a new line of t-shirts featuring old classics such as Snakes and Ladders, as well as the bang up to date “Bratz: Like Totally Roll the Dice!”

We will also be launching our new service Board Game Crush! For a modest fee of just £80 per hour, you will be set up with all you need to play a super-sexy ‘Play by Email’ board game with any member of our team, including the rental of a cardboard cut-out to sit opposite you at your table. This will initially be launched under a closed beta program, as we expect a great deal of interest.

Board Game Crush: coming soon!

Thank you for your continued support, and may you always roll sixes (unless, of course, it’s in a game where that is bad).

– Team Ready Up, We Be Rollin’







14 responses to “A Change Of Direction…”

  1. Gary (RetroGT) avatar
    Gary (RetroGT)

    Just to let your readers know that we’ll also be accepting Monopoly money as payment for the new range of boardgame t-shirts. 😉

  2. James avatar

    About time too. Who were we kidding? Video games are a fad, a technological dead-end that can never hope to rival the joy-giving power of cardboard and counters. Plus they cause all the violence in the world AND killed Jesus. Alan Titchmarsh said as much, and he can do gardening.

    Boggle anyone?

  3. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    I vote the new slogan to be: Ready Up – We tiddle our winks.

  4. Graeme (GraeXZ) avatar
    Graeme (GraeXZ)

    I’ve felt this has been a long time coming for Ready Up, video games are fast becoming a last generation pastime. Nothing can match the high definition action of a real life board game, I mean have you ever played Mousetrap with a pair of magnifying glasses strapped in front of your eyes? It boggles the mind the level of detail in those little plastic pieces.

  5. Albull avatar

    Quick question: Is there a limit to the amount of sides our die can have? If not you’re looking at your new CoC and D&D correspondant.

  6. Tony avatar

    Funny you should mention tiddlywinks, Rook. In the restructure I am now Tiddlywinks Correspondent. Dan says I’m the biggest tiddlywinker he knows.

  7. Kat avatar

    Nobody put me and Cuddles in charge of Snap for the love of god!

  8. Barry avatar

    For me I think that this is going to be a hard transition. I know that instead of rolling the dice, I’m still going to aim for headshots.





  9. DemonJ avatar

    So want a ReadyUp Yatzee contest! *air grab*

  10. Simes avatar

    It doesn’t matter how many sides your dice have, we’re down with four, six, eight, ten, twelve, or twenty. That’s how we roll.

  11. Morkotonsky avatar

    Anyone play Talisman? 😀

  12. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Let me know when the RU World Record Challenge of Snakes & Ladders for 24 hours will take place.

    @Tony – Just make sure you’re playing with your own tiddlywink.

  13. higgeh avatar

    where can i purchase an affro cutout?

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