Glitch Politics

Since online gaming has existed there have been those willing to use cheats, codes and hacks to manipulate the gamespace to their advantage. Types of cheating can vary, ranging from the Fifa 10 leaderboard scam, with players suddenly appearing in the top 100 after gathering 20,000 skill-points overnight, to traditional approaches like griefing and invulnerability hacks.

The latest exploit to hit the headlines comes in the form of Modern Warfare 2’s Javelin Glitch. Also referred to as the suicide bomber glitch, it allows players equipped with any kind of launcher to spontaneously blow themselves up, damaging or destroying anyone within the blast radius. Activated by a simple button combination, the Javelin Glitch has ignited a wave of fury across forums, with competitive gamers enraged by unjust deaths and tarnished rankings.

MW2 Javelin
My other gun is a massive bomb.

However, the makers of MW2 are aware of the situation. Infinity Ward’s Community Manager, Robert Bowling, acknowledged the issue via his Twitter feed, assuring affected players that a fix is on the way:

“Already have the coder responsible for the javelin writing a fix that will be included in the first title update.”

A few hours later, he added:

“MW2 Javelin Glitch fix currently in test. Once it’s cleared, we’ll be urging it through Microsoft and Sony certification as fast as possible.”

Whilst the creation of a fix is welcome news for the majority of MW2 players, the most interesting thing to come out of the Javelin fiasco is the contradictory responses from Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft jumped straight into the fray and dished out a no-nonsense, zero-tolerance tweet that left Xbox Live customers in no doubt as to the potential consequences of their actions. Stephen Tolouse, Xbox Live’s Director of Policy and Enforcement, wrote:

“While IW works on getting the MW2 glitch fixed, people we catch using it will receive suspensions from Xbox Live. Play fair everyone.”

This was followed up by another tweet confirming the length of the threatened ban:

“For those asking, cheating suspensions are usually 24 hours for first offense. But egregious cheating can be 2 weeks!”

The Xbox Police
"Ello ello, what's all this griefing about then Sonny Jim?"

Sony, however, remained silent. In stark contrast to Microsoft’s big noise, the best information anyone could wrangle concerning the Playstation Network’s stance was an unspecified Sony rep telling CVG: “I don’t believe we are banning people for using the glitch”. With no follow up statement and no reports of either restrictions or bans for Javelin Glitch exploiters, it would seem that Sony have a very different take on the issue of online griefing.

Question is, are Sony in danger of sending out the wrong message to the cyber-cheats? Is their failure to take action a result of sympathetic tolerance or indecisive weakness? The terms and conditions for the Playstation Network state that users must refrain from, “abusive or deceptive conduct, cheating, hacking, or other misuse of PSN”, and failure to adhere to these can result in, “termination or suspension of your PSN account”. Sony are well within their rights to take the same prohibitive actions as Microsoft, but they have chosen not to act.

Perhaps Sony are simply waiting for the fix to arrive and solve the problem for them. Perhaps they don’t wish to unduly penalise generally well-behaved gamers who might try the code once out of curiosity. Whatever their motivation, the message is clear: if you want to play dirty online without repercussions, then play Sony. Mess with Microsoft and, like one million hacked Xbox Live account holders before you, you may wake up to discover that you’ve only got your cheating-self to play with.






6 responses to “Glitch Politics”

  1. asamink avatar

    Did Microsoft ban anyone for exploiting this glitch, or were they just threatening people without actually following through?
    Is it Microsoft or Sony’s job to police abuse of in game glitches?
    How do they enforce it?

    I think I’m with Sony on this one. They didn’t write the game, IW are the ones to blame. They let nature take it’s course. Force everyone to download the update if they are to play online, and let it fade into the distance as yet another one of those glitches that have come and gone. At least nobody died…..

  2. James avatar

    Reports on GameSpot forums suggest that Microsoft have actually banned people since they released the warning. As for enforcement and jurisdiction, it may not Microsoft or Sony’s job to police in-game glitches, but it is their job to moderate the use of their online services. It’s up to Infinity Ward to fix the glitch (the fix has now made it through certification and is on the way) but because this kind of cheating is dertrimental to players’ gamerscores / ranking etc, Microsoft feel that it is an Xbox Live issue, not just an Infinity Ward issue. If the glitch only worked in the single player campaign I imagine neither company would give a monkeys who used it.

  3. UnsocialToaster avatar

    The Javelin glitch seems like a walk in the park compared to the new glitch on the block, the lovely infinite ammo with no need to reload in the 360 version.

    It spreads like a virus, sitting in the cache of anyone who has played a game like it, waiting to pass it on to everyone in the lobby if you host. At least one person with a Javelin can be sniped from a distance, constant noob toobing from an entire team is just rediculous.

  4. MrCuddleswick avatar

    Yeah, the Javelin glitch arguably isn’t really a cheat – is there a clear unfair advantage gained through it’s use? The very best you can hope for with it is to die and take more than one person with you. Got to be easier to just use your gun. People weren’t going to be flying up the rankings using the javelin glitch.

    This new infinite ammo glitch though……well, that’s a disaster.

  5. James avatar

    The cheat aspect of the Javelin Glitch is being able to take out several players on one go; you may die once, but if you take four players with you then you’re still laughing, especially when it comes to winning team deathmatches.

    As for the infinite ammo glitch, Infinity Ward are on it:

    “#MW2 Update in Test now: 1887s Balanced. Public “private” Match fix. Infinite Ammo fix. Prestige Hack on PS3 fix. Texture Hack on PC fix.”

    At this rate they’re going to have to open a seperate MW2 glitch-fixing department. There have even been calls from forums to reset the leaderboard completely.

  6. Shenita Lorentzen avatar

    Lol this guy says he got some Runescape hacks… think he’s kidding? Would that even be possible since RS is a server side game?

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