I love Bayonetta. I think she is the sexiest videogame character I have ever seen and I can’t wait until January 8th, which makes me a complete hypocrite because I hate almost every other female character ever created.
Some argue that women don’t find female characters appealing because they can’t relate to them. Most have ridiculous bodies and unsuitable clothing, are overly sexed and cater to men’s tastes rather than women’s. No one can relate to the bountifully bosomed fighters and cute but helpless JRPG princesses of the videogame world, but that’s not why I dislike female characters as much as I do.

I can’t relate to Bayonetta in any way, she wears nothing but hair and shoots angels in the face with boots, but I still think she’s fantastic. She’s the star of a great game. Famitsu have given her game a perfect 40/40 score and the only reason I’ve stopped playing the demo is because my Xbox 360 red-ringed.
Samus also stars in great games, the Metroid series is extremely high in quality, but Lara? Her latest adventures aren’t anything special and I find her annoying because of it. I had fun with the original Tomb Raider and thought she was great, but now all I do is scream at her because she misses ledges, her camera is never where you want it to be, and she never does anything new. She’s boring.
It’s the same for Faith of Mirror’s Edge, Sheva of Resident Evil 5, and Nariko of Heavenly Sword. I didn’t like the games so I don’t like them. Maybe that’s catty of me, but the failings of their respective games made the characters seem useless and unappealing.
True, the same can be said of male characters, but because there are so many of them they’re instantly forgettable. The only male characters worth getting excited over are Dante from Devil May Cry and Mario. Fat plumbers are hot.
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