There seems to be an age old idea perpetuated by the gaming society that tells you retro games are absolutely solid. Well I’m here to tell you that this myth is not 100% true. Now when I say ‘retro’ I’m talking about those games you played when you were just a nipper and your gaming experience was non-existent.
Do you remember when you first got your sticky mitts on a game? I was seven years old and it was that special time of year, Christmas. My older brother got himself a Super Nintendo which came with Street Fighter II: Turbo, whereas I got a Barbie doll which came with a small bottle of pink dye. No offence to Barbie, but I was absolutely taken by this game. The only down side was, I was mega pants at it. This trend continued throughout most of the games that we got for the Super Nintendo. As years went by and our collection grew, so did my gaming skills. When we got the Nintendo 64, I was finally able to show that I kinda knew what I was doing, but it wasn’t until the Nintendo GameCube that I was able to become the mighty player that I am today.
Recently, as a way to try and save some money on games, I’ve been going back to these games that defeated me when I was younger. I wanted to prove that I have finally become a hell of a lot better then I was way back when. So, first on my list was Banjo-Kazooie. Now my older brother was the first one to finish this game, which was mega helpful for me because I got to watch what he did and basically copy him.
But when it came to me playing the game… I don’t think I can really express how solid this game was. Usually in games you can get away with not collecting each and every item, but this game is definitely not one of them. The only way to finish the game is to collect everything – which is extremely hard. From collecting musical notes which you need to open new levels, to collecting these adorable creatures called Jinjos, which were always in random and hard to reach parts of the level. All of which was extremely annoying.

With my audience watching my every move and cheering me on, and by my audience I mean my boyfriend, I set out to do two things: 1) Get each and every collectible to help me progress. These included jigsaw puzzle pieces (known as ‘Jiggies’), Jinjos and musical notes; 2) Finish the game as quickly as possible. My brother managed to finish it in twelve and a half hours and collect everything. I was seriously trailing behind at just under 19 hours, still with two more levels to complete. Currently I’m actually on track to completely smash my previous time, which is amazing, but I am stuck on the final level called Click-Tock Wood. This particular level is split into four sections, each of which represent one of the seasons. Now I knew this level would give me the most trouble so I’m not surprised. But with my mighty gaming skill, I know it’ll only be a matter of time until I get the job done; wish me luck!
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