Or forever hold your peace…

Hey guys – just a quick post to introduce a new idea of mine to you, the fine readers of Ready Up. As a community site, we thrive on feedback from our forum and especially any comments left on our blogs, and we would like to take that feedback a little further.

So, what we are introducing is a new email address for you all to have your say, at [email protected]. I’ll be going through them periodically and picking up anything interesting, so look out for future blogs entitled “Your Letters” or similar.


But what exactly do we want you to send in? Anything, really, as long as it relates to the magical kingdom of gaming. Ideas for subjects you’d like to see covered, a few paragraphs on your favourite game, a humorous screenshot, anything really – if it’s interesting, informative, non-lethal and/or funny, it might well make it up here on the front page.

Try not to send in anything too epic – I’d hate for someone to send in a 5,000 word diatribe and then be disappointed when only a couple of sentences make it on to the site. Any love letters to me probably won’t be published either, but don’t worry, they will be read and no doubt enjoyed.

So, it’s over to you, dearest reader. Go for it! Send us something cool and who knows, you could be seeing your name in lights.







One response to “Or forever hold your peace…”

  1. Royal Mail avatar
    Royal Mail

    Listen, we have 6 trucks full of bloody mail addressed to [email protected]

    This is not acceptable! Who are we supposed to forward this on to, do we have an address for this Tony person?!?!

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