We all have our own ideas about what constitutes fame. For me one of the greatest moments in my life was meeting Glen Michael, the presenter of an all but forgotten children’s television show from my childhood that aired all the best cartoons. As he walked towards me down a corridor in STV time seemed to slow and I could hear the Cartoon Cavalcade theme tune playing in my head.
Interviewing the creator of Broken Sword, one of the greatest video games ever made, was another great moment for me. I’d like to go on and on about touching the hem of God but as you’ll see for yourself Charles Cecil is one of the most down to earth, nice blokes you could hope to meet; besides, I was nine when I met Glen Michael. These days I try not to hyperventilate when meeting my heroes. With Broken Sword: The Director’s Cut being released today on both the DS and Wii our interview should get you in the mood. Have a watch and then get out down the shops and buy this classic.
[flv width=”512″ height=”288″]http://ready-up.net/generalassets/broken_sword_interview_512x288.mov[/flv]
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