As some of you may have noticed I have been absent from blogging on Ready Up for a couple of months now due to illness. My immediate thought when I got ill was “hurray! I’m gonna get so much gaming done!” but unfortunately I just wasn’t well enough to stick to it. People play games in many different ways, as has been touched on by a previous blog of mine, with some playing one or two games to death at a time while others play a little bit of a HUGE stack of games at a time. Always favouring the first option myself I was appalled to find out that, after a quick count up, being ill has meant I am currently playing 7 games!
It’s almost like a neat-freak obsession of mine to play, trade in and repeat to stop a huge pile of games building up so now I’m now desperately trying to get some finished and out the door. Where I would usually strive to get ridiculous achievements on the couple of games I am playing, I find myself struggling to get on top of the ones I’m already playing and even finish them. In this horrible time of the “c” word (I may have used it in the title but I despise it!) this is saving me a small fortune.
I would normally be buying up every title I didn’t quite get round to playing in 2008 in the January sales but I haven’t purchased anything! Sure, I got the compulsory game for Xmas from my Dad (Fallout 3) but I refuse to even start that until I finish some others off. It’s a good game and deserves the attention I can only give it whilst not juggling games like some ridiculous circus act!
So there we have it. I’m back from being ill and I’m back blogging with more money in my pocket thanks to being sick… I’m just so behind! I hope everyone is enjoying any Xmas pressie games they got and sticking to their resolutions. Speaking of which I fully intend to break down the lead on the Ready Up scoreboard. I’m fed up of being second and this year I’m at least gonna get closer. Don’t panic too much Jake, I’m still not gonna resort to playing King Kong!
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