Chuck Norris Saves Christmas

I’m not exactly sure when it happened but Oxford Street seems to have become a bit of a celebrity. Every day it makes the papers. Sales are down, sales are 1% less than last year, sales are coming, one day only sales… where? Oxford Street. I’m sure it is happening elsewhere in the world too but that’s not what the free papers would have me believe. So I did the only sane thing a Christmas season crazed lady could do, I went to Oxford Street.

Big mistake you may think, and yes in the main it was a horrible experience. I like the place in general but a Saturday in the festive season? Now that’s just plain madness. However I did discover something that I had forgotten about in my shopping list creation. A wonder shop that few think of. A miracle Christmas solution with presents for everyone.

Yes you guessed it, I am talking of the one and only Urban Outfitters (you totally didn’t guess, I was just trying to make you feel good about yourself). Every year I have bought at least one killer present here and this year they seem keen not to disappoint. All the regulars are there, the Bunny suicides book, comedy paper cups and a graffiti your own mug kit. All winners in their own right.

This year however they have gone the extra mile and remembered to include our gaming culture in the stocking filler parade. So just for you gamers out there I give you the Urban Outfitters top 3 Christmas gifts:


In at number three it’s Guitar Hero Carabiner. Not an Outfitter exclusive by any means but good to see that the store is branching out.



At number two it’s the Stylophone. Maybe not gaming related exactly but you show me a retro gamer who doesn’t go misty eyed when they look at that piece of early technology and I will show you a person with no soul. Just look at the fabulous piece of eye candy.



And the winner is… drum roll please… (I really wanted the top spot to go to The Truth About Chuck Norris: a book containing 400 facts about the world’s greatest human, but it wasn’t game enough)…

It’s the Space Invaders flexi keyboard!

I don’t expect any thanks for this present buying problem solver. I simply expect a flurry of humorous gifts to flood my way. I will be waiting by the letterbox.







12 responses to “Chuck Norris Saves Christmas”

  1. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    I have bought my friend and his girl their Christmas presents and then you show a Chuck Norris book. Well, it’s my friend’s birthday a few days after Christmas, so you have helped him get a birthday present too Eleanor (if I can find it.) Bravo.

  2. Kate avatar

    I’m going to Oxford street tonight. Primark, no less. It’s going to be HELL.

    Urban Outfitters is wicked. I remember when the one on High Street Kensington used to sell Vivienne Westwood. The prices can be a bit barmy though, and sometimes I simply don’t feel cool or ‘hip’ enough to shop there.

  3. City avatar

    you are all mad for going anywhere near central london in december *sits and browses website instead*

  4. arc14716 avatar

    I have no idea what to say about this blog. Seriously.

    Give me a day or so and I can write something. Right now, I’m drawing a blank.

    OK, just one thing. Did you actually buy a copy of the Chuck Norris book? It is a fun book.

  5. Donna avatar

    Would you hate me if I said I’ve never been in an Urban Outfitters?

  6. Michael avatar

    Not to worry, Donna, as I’ve never even heard of Urban Outfitters! Or a carabiner for that matter. Or a stylophone. Or bunny suicides… Did you make that stuff up, El?

    I got a mug with sudoku puzzles on it from my boss (which I’m mentioning as it’s graffiti of sorts). I guess I have that look about me… the look that says “likes sudoku puzzles and mugs”. At the minute, I’m not sure whether that’s such a good thing.

  7. Kate avatar

    @Donna. Yes. How DARE you! CONFORM. CONSUME. OBEY*

    *and buy me some quirky fridge magnets whislt you’re at it.

  8. Donna avatar

    I like quirky fridge magnets. I’d venture into such a place for quirky fridge magnets.

  9. Lorna avatar

    Oxford street a Crumpletime is a fucking nightmare…the pace of foot traffic alone is enough to bring on a stress embellism. Go equipped with a cattle prod is my advice. I did most of my shopping online this year though. TFF Amazon Prime.

  10.  avatar

    I got a very nice Sesame Street t-shirt from there. Bert and Ernie holding hands. It’s probably my favourite shop in the world – so much unique stuff within those walls….

  11. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Anyone who has their birthday after Christmas may get two presents or one larger present. Well, it seems Chuck Norris has saved my friend’s birthday with the best present of all, the Chuck Norris Fact Book.

    Thanks Eleanor for bringing this to my attention.

  12. Eleanor avatar

    “Did you make that stuff up, El?”

    I wish I had, then I would be rich rich rich!

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