If you check out my Ready Up bio, you’ll see that I am a self-proclaimed Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare multiplayer nut. It’s the first shooter I was ever really good at both on and offline. I generally suck at games like Halo, Medal of Honor and Unreal Tournament, so learning I didn’t completely blow at Modern Warfare, I stuck with it for an insane amount of time.
I ain’t much of a PC gamer, due to my terribly old, heap of scrap machine, which is lagging like crazy as I write this post, so the joys of huge multiplayer frag fests were relatively unknown up until this point. Anyone who has ever played a team death match on the excruciatingly small Shipment map will know how intense and fun the online mode can be.
Call of Duty 4’s Creek map. I’m pretty handy with a sniper rifle on this map, but….
Myself and my good friend spent months unlocking all of the perks and weapons, trying to complete all of the challenges along the way. There was something so addictive about all of it.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before the latest entry in the series, World at War, hit the shelves and, while the mulitplayer remains fundamentally unchanged from Call of Duty 4, I found myself really out of my depth. Gone are the easily-won kill streaks and easily fought stand offs, only to be replaced with crippling defeat and embarrassing screw-ups.
It may take a bit of getting used to, but I am pretty poor at World at War’s multiplayer maps. I think it might have something to do with how big they have become, doing away with narrow Iraqi back streets and small indoor skirmishes. Instead, they have been replaced with rolling fields and expansive, decaying Russian train yards.
…I am really terrible at the Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer. What’s going on? :'(
Snipers are the main problem, this is definitely a game that favours the soldier with long-range proficiency. Plus, the dog attacks are a bit too powerful, while the tanks are underwhelming. It could be that I’m complaining too much because I’m yet to find my feet with World of War’s multiplayer, but I’m confident of one thing: Online, this is definitely a much more complex beast than Modern Warfare’s multiplayer. It’s going to take some time to drag myself out of this funk. Looks like it’s back to boot camp soldier!
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