In a Time Before Gaming

My parents recently decided that I have lived outside the family home for a long time now and my old room should be put to good use. I thought holding all my childhood junk was a good use for a room but apparently I was wrong. With this in mind I flew to Ireland and damned all my childhood possessions to the charity shop or worse still, the bin. A few cherished items made it into a box for the attic but I must admit there was mainly dusty junk cluttering up my cupboards!  I did enjoy seeing all my ‘pre computerised gaming’ stuff and here are two things that I had in abundance and feel are a mere step from owning a PS3.

Errrr… this a blurry picture of me on a beach near my home. It proves that I really went home and am not just lying and LOOK HOW CLOSE I WAS TO A BABY SEAL! OK, on with the stuff that has something to do with anything.

First there was the giant selection of adventure books. I used to enjoy choosing my own fate, but I was a big cheater and if turning to page 53 lead to my demise I would simply go back to the last option and pick a different page number instead of restarting the whole book as generally suggested. I loved these books so much that I even found a hand written version created by myself and a friend. It seemed that we were more taken by drawing our lead character dying in various grotesque circumstances than we were with actually developing a sound and usable story, but at least we tried!

Second to this collection was my clear love of sliding puzzles. I had loads of them hidden about my room, all of them pictures, never the dull number ones. I remember playing with these a lot, and they were a favoured toy on long haul flights to Spain (not too long) or America (really long!). Luckily my parents clearly enjoyed me demanding that they repeatedly rearrange my puzzle and I guess it was preferable to me crying for the whole journey. Oddly I only ever had one Rubik’s cube, showing that although 2D could capture my childish mind, 3D was just too taxing. I am now the proud owner of three Rubik’s cubes, not one of them ever fully completed!

I feel these toys were a natural lead into gaming. It is possible that other things played a role. Maybe setting up huge displays of Sylvanian families each year whetted my appetite for Sim City, or that typing in DOS commands made me feel really clever and if there was a one pixel game at the end of it all the better. It could even be that I am a gamer simply becasue it was available to me and games are great. However I think it was the early combination of choosing my own fate and picture puzzling that really set me on a clear path to loving those first text based games and simple point and clicks.







26 responses to “In a Time Before Gaming”

  1. Kirsten avatar

    Oh God! Slide puzzles! I’ve NEVER managed to complete a single slide puzzle. My brain just doesn’t work that way… meaning it doesn’t work very well generally.

  2. TequilaClint avatar

    I read some “Choose your adventure” books way back in primary school.
    Can’t remember the title of the specific book (it was set on a space station) but a picture within its pages still makes me giggle. It was a pic of all the people you rescued, being sucked into space by choosing the wrong button. The look of horror on the fat guy’s face LoL.

  3. Michael avatar

    I am ace at slide puzzles which came in pretty handy in Onimusha with that water trap room or whatever. I’ve also almost (never fully) completed a Rubik’s cube. Oh yes. Cursed last side! Anyway…

    Interesting stuff, that. I have occasionally wondered why I am drawn to some games (and genres) more than others. And, indeed, my approaches to said games.

    Kirsten, it’s probably because your brain it cluttered with rubbish like knowing about Nadia whatsherface!

  4. NorfolkNChance avatar

    I did a few choose-your-own-adventure books, many puzzles and boardgames but I guess its the creative and inspiring mindsets we all have that allow us to enjoy gaming in whatever form.

  5. Ben avatar

    Slide puzzles, or “Get frustrated and bend their cheap plastic casing until the bits popped out and I could put them back in how I liked puzzles.”

    Stuff of nightmares those.

  6. Michael avatar

    Hang on a minute now… you flew to Ireland to get rid of childhood crap? “Come home and tidy up your room!”?

    *laughs, pauses, then laughs some more*

  7. City avatar

    I had a Mr. Blobby sliding puzzle, frickin loved it! I too use to annoyed my parents to rearrange it for me.. ahh the old days..

    My mum is still preserving my room and my junk, as well as my Buffy the Vampire slayer board game that i never played..

  8. Lorna avatar

    Fuck, I adored Choose Your Own Adventure books and still have some of my collection. You would never see them published in these coddled, pc strangled days though…all the gruseome deaths!

    Also loved the Interplanetary Spy, Mystery Squad, and other ‘flick about page’ books as I called them 🙂 And yes, I used to go back if I got a crap ending too 😀 I also liked to read all the nasty ones and enjoyed the pictures of the bukket/knife/acid/ghosty deaths….wow, so games didn’t corrupt me…it was books 😉

  9. Lorna avatar

    Oh sod this keyboard…that should have read ‘bullet deaths’, although I’m sure there was probably a bucket related one somewhere.

  10. arc14716 avatar

    I used to read those Choose Your Own Adventure books. Yes, I managed to get my hands on the very first one and it’s sequel. And yes, I cheated too by doing what you did. I have one or two of the super-deluxe editions as well.

    I didn’t know your house was by the beach. Lucky you. I can’t really tell if that is a seal though. I keep squinting, but can’t pick it out.

  11. Uzi avatar

    I’ve only ever been able to complete one side of a Rubik’s Cube. You had to complete one side and get T’s all around that side’s edges in order to be able to implement the “easy” method of solving the rest. I was never able to get all of the T’s.

    Pretty stones on your beaches. We only have sand (and odd garbage). Not even many seashells, anymore.

    Where was the baby seal’s mother? Aren’t they supposed to be very protective?

  12. Tony avatar

    Eleanor had just clubbed the mother, and the picture was taken just before she finished off the little ‘un.

  13. Uzi avatar

    XD And she SMILES after doing it! Brutal!

  14. Skill avatar

    “Mama needs a new pair of socks.”

    My brain slides just fine, but I can only do two-thirds of a Rubik’s Cube. :/

    I play games the same way i live my life;
    I try to identify what rules are in place,
    which rules can be bent and which broken,
    and then seek to ‘master’ the environment,
    becoming expert within the worldspace and unlocking the ‘good’ ending. 🙂

    Achievements are nice too. And a long Friend’s List. 😉

  15. Tony avatar

    Skill: “I play games the same way i live my life”

    See, the reason I play games is to do exactly the kind of things I’d never do in real life.

    Shooting people, running people over, killing aliens with rayguns – all these things are so humdrum for me thanks to my daily life, so that’s why I like wacky games where you can do off the wall things, like doing the washing up in The Sims.

  16. Skill avatar

    Hah. Mebbe life’s just more interesting in Northern Ireland. ;D

    No aliens tho. 🙁

    But I REALLY don’t want to do the washing up as a form of escapism.

  17. Kate avatar



  18. Eleanor avatar

    Oh I loved sliding puzzles so much, but it is really interesting to see the mixed feeling towards them here! They often crop up in games, making me happy all over.

    Uzi, the parents were on the beach and pretty close, but they didn’t seem too concerned, I was wondering if it had been sort of rejected, which makes me sad. I saw a fluffy white baby too, and that one was being closely guarded, so maybe once they go grey they are left to grow up a bit.

    I have done 4 sides of a Rubik’s cube but never more, as Uzi said I think you have to have a method from the start or it will never happen!

  19. Michael avatar

    Maybe they weren’t bothered about you as they’re used to people? And, yes, you’re right they’re left to get on with things after a while.

    Method? Tch, that takes away the appeal of it! And by that I mean knowing there is one, out there, removes the challenge and makes it pointless. Well, it does!

    I don’t mind washing up… OK sometimes I do but it is quite soothing and is a time when I think of stuff and come up with ideas. So, um, yeah.

  20. Nick avatar

    Oh dear actualy recognise that beach by it’s, err, stones.

    Anyways in regard to Rubiks cubes, I was always piss poor at them so never really gave them the time of day. That and I loved I adicted to the Gameboy.

  21. Nick avatar

    Thas last sentence should be “That and I was addicted to my Gameboy”.

    Stupid English language.

  22. Eleanor avatar

    “Oh dear actualy recognise that beach by it’s, err, stones”
    Really?? Impossible, theres not enough in that picture to recognise a beach. It’s not The Murrough I’ll have you know :p (But it is very close to it!)

  23. arc14716 avatar

    I remembered a while ago that they had a line of Transformers Choose Your Adventure books. Well, they weren’t as long as the ones you’ve got (less than a hundred pages), but those were good.

    Also, one of those books had an adventure that took place in Hawaii of all places. And I have it somewhere in my house! I must look for it later.

  24. thiswayup avatar

    I loved those slidey games! I often wonder if they were a way to secretly train spies for the next generation during the cold war 80’s….or it could be me watching too much alias 🙂

  25. thotd avatar

    Yeah, id often make puzzles for myself on train rides, id have tic tac toe with like 100 coloumns, EXTREME TIC TAC TOEEEE!

  26. CodySting (Scott) avatar
    CodySting (Scott)

    1st a bad joke..

    Batman came up to me and he hit me over the head with a vase and he went T’PAU! I said “Don’t you mean KAPOW?? He said “No, I’ve got china in my hand.”

    Am quite impressed with the Ready-Up site which in turn is a credit to the gaming community and industry. Keep it up El (+ crew)

    Warmest Regards


    P.S Yes yes i know, the joke was poor. What can i say i have a weakness for bad jokes. *Hangs head in shame

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