I’m not a Sony fangirl, but I love the Playstation 3. Ever since I first heard whispers of it’s creation I’ve been excited. I got a PS2 pretty late in its existence as a gift from my Dad and I loved it. He’d bought me my first Playstation not long after their release and I loved that too. So surely the PS3 would be more of the same awesome with the added bonus of phenomenal graphics. As I watched closely on the development of this magical console I became more and more excited.
Sure enough, about a month after the PS3’s release I had mustered enough of my wages together to be able to buy this wondrous machine. One traded in PS2 and a lot of staff discount later I hopped, skipped and jumped my way home with this new wonder machine.
For me, it really was.
I had picked up Resistance to play and I happily waxed my way through that within a couple of days. Even on my big chunky TV, the graphics were amazing. I patiently waited for exclusive releases. I stuck by my console knowing that any game released on the 360, looked and played miles better on the PS3 version. Still, I ended up buying most multi-platform releases on my 360, to improve my gamerscore. Then, along came trophies. I was excited.
Like a bolt out of the blue, it hit me. I found out that the games I had completed on my PS3 would not unlock any trophies when the capability for that game was enabled. I’d have to play the game through again. I can’t even get you started on how gutted I was. I had always (perhaps naively) hoped that when trophies were made for the games I had done and dusted that they would all just automatically get credited to me, but no. I felt as though my many hours of gameplay had been wasted.
Now, my 360 gamerscore is meek. If you look to the right of the page you can clearly see my name is in the bottom 5. So for some reason, I feel compelled to ensure that my PS3 trophy cabinet is well stocked. So, instead of letting myself get to upset about this, I’m going to wait for the trophies on my existing catalogue to be released, then I will be re-playing.
Woe and misery, my 360 Gamerscore!
The bad side to this is I’m now refusing to play on my PS3 because none of my games have trophies ready yet. I just don’t want to go out and buy new games for my PS3 until these ones are done! So I’m staring at my copy of Unreal Tournament, I’m longing to buy Bioshock PS3 and I have a promo copy of Brothers in Arms I won’t touch. My eyes keep flitting, longingly over to my catalogue of PS3 games.
I must have the best trophy cabinet!
Please Sony, hurry up and sort the trophy cabinet for my games, I’ve got a lot of ground to re-cover!
Here’s to the future, and a well stocked trophy cabinet!
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