Dragon Hunters (Juniors)

Dragon Hunters is based on popular French created cartoon series and CG film of the same name. The game follows the three main characters on their quest to slay the wicked dragons that terrorise the land, Lian-Chu, a sword wielding, muscle-bound warrior, Gwizdo, the brains of the group and Hector, their pet dragon who does not possess the evil nature or the great size of the ones they hunt. Each character brings their own unique skills and abilities to the game and are immediately interchangeable using the touch screen. Levels are pretty varied, short, but must be completed a few times with a different objective each time such as time trials and object collections.

Name: Jamie

Age: 9

What did you like about Dragon Hunters?

Jamie: I liked choosing different characters, if you need a fighting person you choose the big guy (Lian-Chu) if you need a jumping person you choose Gwizdo.

Who was your favourite character?

Jamie: Hector, he’s like a mini dragon he’s blue and he’s got a funny face and he turns into a ball. He looks a bit like Sonic but he doesn’t go so fast.

What was the best bit about the game?

Jamie: If your at a bit where there is a rock up above you, you can jump and go upside down and walk on the roof it’s like different gravity or something.

What was the worst bit about the game?

Jamie: I can’t think of a bad bit, the bad guys?! but I beat them anyway.

How much fun was this game?

Jamie: It was fun, it wasn’t mega fun but it was still good.

Parent’s Comments: I liked that you have to change between the three characters throughout the levels to use their different abilities. I was slightly disappointed that there wasn’t a playable female character but otherwise it’s a very decent platformer.








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