Your Sins shall find you out

I thought I should “give a shout out”, as I understand the vernacular to be, to Stardock Software.

For a few reasons:

  • Their Gamers’ Bill of Rights which all publishers should pay attention to.
  • They don’t use DRM on their games, so there is no SecuROM or similar to break your PC in hilarious ways.
  • Games like Galactic Civilisations and Sins of a Solar Empire, which are awesome.
  • And for selling half a million copies of the aforementioned Sins of a Solar Empire despite it being a fairly low-budget game and not having any DRM, thus confounding all those people who’ve been loudly proclaiming the death of the PC games industry for the last ten years.

OK, so half a million copies might not be much in the grand scheme of things, but for a niche game it’s pretty impressive, and demonstrates pretty handily that huge development and marketing budgets are not the only way to making a successful game, but that making a good game often helps too.

I recommend strategy and RTS fans check out Sins. It’s a great game.

Boom! Kapow! Blammo!







3 responses to “Your Sins shall find you out”

  1. Dan avatar

    That Bill of Rights should be made law for all games.

  2. Tony avatar

    They’re all good.

    But surely if this one is adhered to:
    “Gamers shall have the right to demand that games be released in a finished state.”

    Then this one should be unnecessary:
    “Gamers shall have the right to expect meaningful updates after a games release.”

    Personally, barring bugs or whatever, I see no reason to expect an update to a game. I love it when you get them (as I said in my post “The gift that keeps on giving”), but i wouldn’t expect to expect them.

  3. Simes avatar

    I think the first one of those is more to do with quality assurance than content.

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