Ready Up @ Video Games Live

Recently Ready Up spent some time with the creators of Video Games Live, the international spectacular videogame music concert, during their first ever visit to Scotland. This gave us a great insight into the complexities of setting up and staging an event of this size somewhere different every few days, in a foreign land, with new people working on every show.

The creators of the show Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall were wonderfully generous with their time, giving us full access to the event at every stage over the few days they were in the country. The Ready Up crew staged the Video Games Live preshow event running the Guitar Hero and cosplay competitions and I performed the finale of the cosplay competition on stage at the Royal Concert Hall and actually got to introduce the main show. It’s a telling fact that wherever VGL goes it rolls up passionate gamers along with it who Mr Tallarico insists become a part of the entourage and show in whatever way they can help out. It was a privilege and a pleasure to be a part of the show and I think our documentary shows just what fun we had and what an absolute good Video Games Live is as phenomenon.

The documentary will be screened at this year’s Edinburgh Interactive Festival throughout it’s three day run. You can watch it below or right-click the link to download the HD 720p Version (~1Gb). If you’d like to see it on the big screen you can join Ready Up at EIF 10th -12th Aug.

Updated with higher quality streamed version.
[flv width=”512″ height=”280″][/flv]

HD 720p Version (Right Click and Save Link As)



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15 responses to “Ready Up @ Video Games Live”

  1. Zanveth avatar

    **Major envy**

    I really want to see Video Games Live…really….really…really want to see it. Almost got my chance at Blizzards WWI last month but something came up at last minute and had to cancel my trip.

    Will d/l this now and convert it onto my iPod for mylong bus ride tomorrow.

  2. Martin avatar

    Awesome work guys, you really make us all proud with the effort and commitment you put into all the things you do. I think I saw my back in the video!!!

  3. Michael avatar

    I am also incredibly jealous as a fair few of you know! *bites tongue*

    Did any of you participate in stuff like the GH competition or was it all work?

  4. Dan avatar

    Participate? We RAN the Guitar Hero competition!

    That was all Ready Up gear playing those games!

  5. Laura avatar

    Tommy Tallarico seems like a really cool guy and has a wicked sense of humour. Video Games Live looks like a fabulous event!!!!

  6. CrunchbiteJr avatar

    5:27! I’m famous! And I loathe my voice ๐Ÿ˜›

    Great night, bit of a gaming music geek so I got a major kick out of some of the more obscure stuff.

  7. Chris avatar

    I totally know those sexy folk at 5:27. ๐Ÿ˜›

  8. Ross avatar

    Yas, I said that Halo was epic! And it was, especially with big Tommy Tallarico (or Tommy Tickles as we like to call him!) on the guitar! Awesome night!

  9. Tommy Tallarico avatar
    Tommy Tallarico


    Thanks so much for such an awesome story! I’ll make sure to feature it on our website this week.

    We had an amazing time in Scotland and hope to be back in 2009! Thanks again!

    Tommy Tallarico

    p.s. Tommy Tickles??? What the??? ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Nick avatar

    Richard makes Sega music. Richard makes Jet Set Radio Music <3

  11. Jay avatar

    Great video folks…and nice work by Kirsten for correcting Tommy on the pronunciation of Glasgow ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Can’t wait to see what’s next for! ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Aerithscar avatar

    Look’s pretty sweet, hopefully I shall get chance to get ticket’s for the London Event ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Jason avatar

    Don’t think I have laughed so hard, a man with passion in the industry and funny. Loving the end of the video, Glasgowww. Genius! Great coverage of the event, the description of the event by Tommy made me feel like I should have got those tickets. ๐Ÿ™ Now I am not happy with Tommy!

    Great Job Tommy and Co.


  14. avatar

    That… was truly excellent.

  15. Rubi Piercy avatar
    Rubi Piercy

    The best is the one that you build yourself. For $ 1500 you can play all the latest games if you do this, since you’ll be able to use more advanced components for the same price. It’s really not difficult and there’s countless websites and Youtube videos to guide you.

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