Dressed To Impress (Gamers)

Let me start out by saying that I have a real thing for clever T-Shirts, specifically gaming T-shirts. I don’t really go for obvious ones like game logos I prefer something a little more vague. Something that a non-gamer would just ignore. For some reason Street Fighter based T-shirts do vague especially well, you can express a obvious Street Fighter reference using very few visual clues. Clues that would mean nothing to your average man in the street.

Gameskins were master of the art, this was eventually take under the banner of Penny Arcade store. I have many Gameskins/Penny Arcade T-Shirts. Some of my favourites being these.

But recently I found, via the magic of a birthday present, another site full of gaming apparel. Retro GT have some amazing designs that will bring joy to your fellow gamers and frowns of confusion to all those ‘norms’ out there. Check these out and yes Alex, they do girls ones!

See, there is no need to settle for that Pacman T-shirt from Tescos.When the time comes for us to rise up as an army these shirts will be our uniform, these shirts will be our armour!







7 responses to “Dressed To Impress (Gamers)”

  1. Dave avatar

    Retro GT is wicked 😀

    Got my eye on their Space Invaders skate shorts…spending my pay before I have it, once again.

  2. Laura avatar

    I love Jinx http://www.jinx.com/ it’s a US site so costs a bit to ship, but well worth it!

  3. Alex avatar

    My god. GIRL’S T-SHIRTS???
    I think i’m about to become even poorer ;D

  4. Zanveth avatar

    Like Laura I use Jinx for my T-shirts, got myself some nice Warcraft ones for me and my other half.

    Dare I say it…but Game / Gamestation also have some half decent T-shirts sometimes, and quite bizare…Tesco too (but only in childrens sizes.)

    Think Geek have some kick ass shirts (male & female) as well as other items like hoodies etc.

    Be warned though, I have been stung a few times by customs charges when getting some gaming gear from the USA, not nice.

  5. Martin avatar

    Damn you Dan, I was just going to Tesco to buy a job lot of games shirts, now I wont knowing that you’ll be frowning upon me. Guess I’ll just draw my own!!

  6. City avatar

    awesome sauce, im still after the perfect sonic tee though.. *sob*

  7. 湾区移民 avatar

    “As a Newbie, I am constantly searching on the internet for posts which will aid me. Thank you”

    Also welcome you!

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