Kids These Days

There was a time when youngsters used to learn things from those older and (usually) wiser than themselves.
Mind you I’ve also heard that children should be seen and not heard, I never see them on Xbox Live, but I
definitely hear them, (mute is such an awesome function) every time I come across a chatty chirpy singing 11 year old online I just know I’m gonna get pwnd big time.

I’m sure that the reason such popular multiplayer games as Halo 3 and COD4 are rated 15 and 16+ is to protect adults from the sheer humiliation of having our asses kicked from someone who wasn’t even around when the Master System was the only thing I wanted in the whole wide world and I was even willing to try and land a spot on Santa’s nice list for a change.

Don’t get me wrong I think kids are cool, especially when they’re effortlessly slaughtering the opposing team, I’ve got two of my own and another on the way and I can only hope that I’ve brought them up well enough to know that when they’re a bit older playing on Live if I’m gonna be paying for it they will be dedicating a fair percentage of their gaming time to avenging my many pitiful deaths at the hands of those little um……monkeys.







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