Shooters – love them or hate them every gamer worth their salt will dabble in them sporadically just to see what is now considered to be the bee’s knees. But recently whilst explaining what sort of games I play to someone I found myself labouring the reasons why I definitely prefer third person shooters to first person shooters, so I did what any self-respecting games journalist would do and asked a variety of people I know their opinions on the matter. The interesting thing is that everyone does have an opinion – I am yet to find one person who gives me a reply that favours neither view.
Sure with first person it’s more immersive and makes you feel like you are the character but with third I find you get an easier view and more room to see how you can manoeuvre. Third person shooters to me just feel more natural and I find the gameplay easier yet some people claim the more immersive a game is the easier it becomes to control the character.
It’s a question that will never find a definitive answer but which view is truly better? And how can something so simple make such a difference? Surely the level design, storyline and variety of weapons are all things that a gamer should place high above whether it is an FPS or a TPS yet somehow this issue seems to cause conflict or at least lengthy conversation whenever it is brought up. I know where I stand – Third person shooter for life! OK, not for life, I do still dabble in FPS but you get my point.
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