Hooray for the life-sucking genre!

Have you ever sat back and thought about the amount of time you’ve spent playing games? Go on, terrify yourself, really think about it. As an avid RPG player I can’t help but feel bemused at how I’ve managed to clock up 60 hours on Lost Odyssey already whilst also playing an array of other games. I’m sure anyone else who has dedicated their life to levelling up their black mage to level 99 will understand the great loss of life these games can create!

The first RPG I played all the way through was Final Fantasy 7, and that was it, I was hooked – the storylines, the characters, the bosses, and of course, the spells. So there commenced my RPG obsession. Add in multiple playthroughs of all Final Fantasy’s since then (barring 11 – MMOs are evil IMHO!) and some before, Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon, Phantasy Star Universe, Elder Scrolls…the list goes on and on and the figure of hours lost to this genre escalates dramatically.

Over multiple playthroughs I have somehow spent two weeks of my life on Final Fantasy 10. A terrifying thought at first but then it sinks in and I strangely feel the terror turn into a sense of pride and accomplishment. So for all those out there that love RPG’s as much as I do consider this:
If you suddenly got given all this lost time back, what would you do with it? If your answer is play games then that time was time well spent. And on that note it’s time for me to get back to Lost Odyssey!







3 responses to “Hooray for the life-sucking genre!”

  1. Shaz avatar

    Oh yeah! Anybody who has played FF7 would have killed a lot of time to it! Heck, it’s sin alone just to withstand every summoning sequence of Knights of the Round materia!

    But such grand stories found in RPG’s make it all worthwhile.

  2. Michael avatar

    Yep, it all began with FF7 and spending months or even years – because I’ve played it quite a few times – levelling every character to 99 (maybe even Aeris) and breeding chocobos… At the minute, I have a bunch of RPGs I’m barreling through; Disgaea, FFXII, Mass Effect and I’ve just started Lost Odyssey!

    If I had the choice, I’d do it all over again!

  3. Laura avatar

    I found Lord Dagon from Oblivion’s name quite amusing – Lord DAY GONE would have been a better way to spell it 😉

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